Template file: Home.page
Class file: Home.php


<com:TContent ID="body">

<h1>TActiveHtmlArea5 Samples</h1>

<table class="sampletable">

<tr><td class="samplenote">
TActiveHtmlArea5 with default settings:
</td><td class="sampleaction">
<com:TActiveHtmlArea5 ID="HtmlArea1" />
<div><com:TActiveButton Text="Submit" OnClick="button1Clicked" /> Submit your input an show it below.</div>
<div><com:TActiveButton Text="Insert" OnClick="button1bClicked" /> Insert some sample HTML into the editor.</div>
<com:TActiveLabel ID="Result1" />

<tr><td class="samplenote">
TActiveHtmlArea5 with manually set options
</td><td class="sampleaction">
<com:TActiveHtmlArea5 ID="HtmlArea2" Width="670px" Height="300px">
    resize: false
    plugins: "charmap code wordcount"
    toolbar: "undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | code charmap | ",
<div><com:TActiveButton Text="Submit" OnClick="button2Clicked" /> Submit your input an show it below.</div>
<div><com:TActiveButton Text="Insert" OnClick="button2bClicked" /> Insert some sample HTML into the editor.</div>
<com:TActiveLabel ID="Result2" />

<tr><td class="samplenote">
TActiveHtmlArea5 with visual editing disabled:
</td><td class="sampleaction">
<com:TActiveHtmlArea5 ID="HtmlArea3" EnableVisualEdit="false" />
<div><com:TActiveButton Text="Submit" OnClick="button3Clicked" /> Submit your input an show it below.</div>
<div><com:TActiveButton Text="Insert" OnClick="button3bClicked" /> Insert some sample HTML into the editor.</div>
<com:TActiveLabel ID="Result3" />

<tr><td class="samplenote">
Read-only TActiveHtmlArea5:
</td><td class="sampleaction">
<com:TActiveHtmlArea5 ID="HtmlArea4" ReadOnly="true" Text="Sample html text: <b>bold</b> <i>italic</i>" />
<div><com:TActiveButton Text="Insert" OnClick="button4bClicked" /> Insert some sample HTML into the editor.</div>

