Template file: Home.page
Class file: Home.php


<com:TContent ID="body">
<h1>TCallbackClientScript Samples</h1>

  Choose an action from the list and click the button; the server-side php code will get the selected value and
  force the execution of some clientside js code in the callback response.

<com:TClientScript PradoScripts="jqueryui" />
  .red_background {
    background-color: red;

<com:TRadioButtonList ID="radio1" RepeatColumns="2">
  <com:TListItem Value="1" Text="alert() me of something" />
  <com:TListItem Value="2" Text="toggle Checkbox 1" />
  <com:TListItem Value="3" Text="hide Label 1" />
  <com:TListItem Value="4" Text="show Label 1" />
  <com:TListItem Value="5" Text="toggle Label 1 visibility" />
  <com:TListItem Value="6" Text="toggle Label 1 (fade)" />
  <com:TListItem Value="7" Text="toggle Label 1 (slide)" />
  <com:TListItem Value="8" Text="highlight Label 1 (requires jQuery UI)" />
  <com:TListItem Value="9" Text="focus TextBox 1" />
  <com:TListItem Value="10" Text="scroll to CheckBox 1" />
  <com:TListItem Value="11" Text="add red_background class to TextBox 1" />
  <com:TListItem Value="12" Text="remove red_background class from TextBox 1" />
  <com:TListItem Value="13" Text="animated resize TextBox 1" />
  <com:TListItem Value="14" Text="set the 'disable' attribute on TextBox 1" />
  <com:TListItem Value="15" Text="change the background color of Panel 1" />
  <com:TListItem Value="16" Text="prepend and append some content inside Panel 1" />
  <com:TListItem Value="17" Text="prepend and append some content outside Panel 1" />
  <com:TListItem Value="18" Text="replace Panel 1 with some plain text" />
  <com:TListItem Value="19" Text="remove TextBox 1" />
  <com:TListItem Value="20" Text="fade out TextBox 1" />
  <com:TListItem Value="21" Text="fade in TextBox 1" />
  <com:TListItem Value="22" Text="trigger a click event on Panel 1" />
  <com:TListItem Value="23" Text="call a specific effect on TextBox 1 (toggle)" />

<br/><com:TActiveButton ID="button1" OnCallback="buttonCallback" Text="callback!" />


    <td>Checkbox 1:</td>
    <td><com:TCheckBox ID="check1" Text="Checkbox 1" /></td>
    <td>Label 1:</td>
    <td><com:TLabel ID="label1" ForeColor="Red" Text="Text of Label 1" /></td>
    <td>TextBox 1:</td>
    <td><com:TTextBox ID="txt1" Text="Sample text" /></td>
    <td>Panel 1:</td>
      <com:TPanel ID="pan1" Style="width:100px;height:100px;background:green" Attributes.OnClick="alert('clicked on Panel1')" >
      Panel contents

<div style="height:900px">
Thw following space is intentionally left blank for the scrolling test