class Home extends TPage
* Change the globalization culture using value from request "lang" parameter.
public function __construct()
$lang = $this->Request['lang'];
$info = new CultureInfo();
if($info->validCulture($lang)) //only valid lang is permitted
* Initialize the page with some arbituary data.
* @param TEventParameter event parameter.
public function onLoad($param)
$time1 = $this->Time1;
$time1->Value = time();
$number2 = $this->Number2;
$number2->Value = 46412.416;
* Get the localized current culture name.
* @return string localized curreny culture name.
public function getCurrentCulture()
$culture = $this->getApplication()->getGlobalization()->getCulture();
$cultureInfo = new CultureInfo($culture);
return $cultureInfo->getNativeName();