THtmlArea5 Samples

THtmlArea5 with default settings:
THtmlArea5 with manually set options
THtmlArea5 with visual editing disabled:

Read-only THtmlArea:
Available languages: ar, ca, cs, cs_CZ, cy, da, de, es_419, fa, fr_FR, he_IL, hr, hu_HU, id, it_IT, ja, kab, nb_NO, nl, nl_BE, pl, pt_BR, pt_PT, ro, ru, ru_RU, sk, sl, sq, sv_SE, ta, ta_IN, th_TH, tr, tr_TR, ug, zh_CN, zh_TW
Available plugins: advlist, anchor, autolink, autoresize, autosave, bbcode, charmap, code, codesample, colorpicker, contextmenu, directionality, emoticons, fullpage, fullscreen, help, hr, image, imagetools, importcss, insertdatetime, legacyoutput, link, lists, media, nonbreaking, noneditable, pagebreak, paste, preview, print, quickbars, save, searchreplace, spellchecker, tabfocus, table, template, textcolor, textpattern, toc, visualblocks, visualchars, wordcount
Available themes: mobile, silver