
API Manual

TKeyboard displays a virtual keyboard that users can click on to enter input in an associated text box. It helps to reduce the keyboard recording hacking.

To use TKeyboard, write a template like following:

<com:TTextBox ID="PasswordInput" />
<com:TKeyboard ForControl="PasswordInput" />

A TKeyboard control is associated with a TTextBox control by specifying ForControl to be the ID of that control. When the textbox is in focus, a virtual keyboard will pop up; and when the text box is losing focus, the keyboard will hide automatically. Set AutoHide to false to keep the keyboard showing all the time.

The appearance of the keyboard can also be changed by specifying a customized CSS file via CssUrl. By default, the CSS class name for the keyboard is 'Keyboard'. This may also be changed by specifying KeyboardCssClass