Active Controls (AJAX enabled Controls)
Active controls extends standard PRADO controls adding the ability to automatically update themselves on callbacks without the need of ad-hoc javascript calls. See the Introduction
for a quick overview of the concept behind active controls (AJAX enabled controls).
For a quick demo of active controls, try the
TActiveButton control. See also the later part of the Currency Converter tutorial for a more in depth example.
Standard Active Controls
represents a click button on a Web page. It can be used to trigger a callback request.
represents a checkbox on a Web page. It can be used to collect two-state user input
and can trigger a callback request.
validates a particular control using a callback request.
adds a date picker that permits the suer to choose a date.
displays a file upload field on a page and uses an iframe to permit handling of the
file upload in a callback.
represents a WYSIWYG text input field taking user input that are in HTML format allowing
to change the content during callback.
is the active counterpart of THtmlArea5 based on TinyMCE version 5.
displays a hidden input field that can be changed upon callback.
represents a hyperlink on a Web page.
represents an image on a Web page.
represents a click button that has an image as the background.
It is can be used to trigger a callback request.
represents a label on a Web page.
The label can be customized via various CSS attributes.
represents a hyperlink that can perform a callback request.
represents a container for a group of TView controls, each of which is container for other controls.
At any time, at most one TView is visible. It's the active counterpart of TMultiView.
represents a container for other controls on a Web page. In HTML,
it is displayed as a <div> element. The panel's contents
can be replaced during a callback request.
generates UI that allows users to interactively specify which page of
data to be displayed in a data-bound control.
represents a radiobutton on a Web page.
It is mainly used in a group from which users make a choice. It can
be used to perform a callback request.
represents a text input field on a Web page.
It can collect single-line, multi-line or password text input from users.
It can be used to perform a callback request.
Active List Controls
displays a list of checkboxes on a Web page and each checkbox
can trigger a callback request.
displays a dropdown list box that allows users to select a
single option from a few prespecified ones. It can be used
to perform a callback request.
displays a list box that allows single or multiple selection. It can be used
to perform a callback request.
is similar to TActiveCheckBoxList in every aspect except that each
TActiveRadioButtonList displays a group of radiobuttons. Each radio button
can perform a callback request.
is an EXPERIMENTAL class that displays clickable images that represent a TRadioButtonList.
Active Data Controls
is used to display or modify a list of data items. It is the
active counterpart to the original TDataList control.
displays data in a tabular format with rows and columns. It is the
active counterpart to the original TDataGrid control.
displays its content defined in templates repeatedly based on the given data.
It is the active counterpart to the original TRepeater control.
Extended Active Controls
a generic control that can perform callback requests.
triggers a callback request based on HTML DOM events.
represents a label that can be edited by clicked.
triggers a callback request based on time elapsed.
monitors (using a timer) an attribute of an HTML element and triggers a callback request
when the attribute value changes.
Active Control Abilities
The following table shows the Active Controls that can trigger a
callback event and whether the control will raise a PostBack event
if Javascript was disabled on the client's browser.