Jui interactions controls

Jui interactions adds basic mouse-based interactions to elements like moving, resizing or sorting. PRADO Jui interactions controls applies these interactions to a TActivePanel For informations of the specific options of each interaction, follow jQuery-UI Interaction API Documentation for the specific interaction.


API Manual - jQuery UI API

TJuiDraggable is an extension to TActivePanel based on jQuery-UI's Draggable interaction.

The panel can be moved using the mouse, and eventually dropped over a TJuiDroppable.


API Manual - jQuery UI API

TJuiDroppable is an extension to TActivePanel based on jQuery-UI's Draggable interaction.

When a TJuiDraggable is dropped over a TJuiDroppable panel, the OnDrop event will be triggered. The event hanler will receive a TJuiEventParameter object containing a reference to the dropped control in the DraggableControl property.


API Manual - jQuery UI API

TJuiResizable is an extension to TActivePanel based on jQuery-UI's Resizable interaction.

A small handle is shown on the bottom right corner of the panel, that permits the panel to be resized using the mouse.


API Manual - jQuery UI API

TJuiSelectable is an extension to TActivePanel based on jQuery-UI's Selectable interaction.

TJuiSelectable can be feed a DataSource and will interally render a TRepeater that displays items in an unordered list. Items can be selected by clicking on them, individually or in a group.


API Manual - jQuery UI API

TJuiSortable is an extension to TActivePanel based on jQuery-UI's Sortable interaction.

TJuiSortable can be feed a DataSource and will interally render a TRepeater that displays items in an unordered list. Items can be sortered dragging and dropping them.